Dealing With House Hold wickedness/House Hold Enemies

Text: Deuteronomy 28 vs 7, Psalm 55 vs 12-15, Psalm 7 vs 15-16, Psalm 35 vs 1-2, Isaiah 40 vs 29-31.
Household enemies are close friends.
They have powers that know about you
They are very difficult to identify because they could be very destructive and yet more familiar to you
A person can not hide himself from household enemies because they are very close to you
These are people who know your strengths, failures, successes,etc
They know the pattern of your prayers at times and they also know when to strike because most of them monitor your prayer life to know when you are not on fire 🔥 with prayers
Household enemies are just like armed robbers that have a good knowledge of your possession
It is very difficult for someone who doesn’t know you very well to work against you and succeed
Household enemies, most of them know your dream and your mission here on earth
They can easily predict your tomorrow
Sometimes, they become so strong and evil that one can not run away from them
In most cases, they could be your, friend, uncle, aunty, cousin, mother, father, relatives, close friends, siblings, fiance, fiancee etc
Their operation is always successful except by divine intervention. Genesis 37 vs 18-36
Another point here is that, these household wickedness operate with the support of Satanic powers to steal, kill and destroy
The attack from household enemies is a continuous spiritual attack
That is why you need to be charged with the power of the Holy Ghost always
(1) When God is blessing you
(2) When you marry at early age
(3) When you declare your dream or goal to them
(4) When you exhibit a sign of greatness
(5) When you have an Abrahamic blessings
(6) When they make an evil consultation and have a glimpse of your future
(7) When you have confidence in God and faith in God, instead of seeking their help or being at their mercy
(8) When your mood of dressing change
(9) When you discover your destiny early and God started using it to bless you
(10) When you refused to work in their counsel which is against your belief
(11) When you are firstly blessed with what they don’t have in your family
(12) You are operating under the grace of God
(1) Every household enemy that is troubling me and my family, die in Jesus’ name
(2) Household wickedness that has vowed to bring me to square one, you will not succeed, die in Jesus’ name
(3) Household wickedness assigned to rubbish my life, you will not succeed in Jesus’ name
(4) Any wicked power that is always cutting off my expectations whenever good things want to come to me, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(5) Any Satanic power that is fighting against me because of the evil of my ancestors, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(6) Every wicked power that is mocking my life in my family, shall gather to celebrate me in Jesus’ name
(7) Every good door in my life that household wickedness has closed, open now in Jesus’ name
(8) Every wicked power that is saying over their dead body will I progress in life, die in Jesus’ name
(9) Every evil pit prepared against me by household enemies, shall swallow them all in Jesus’ name
(10) Polygamous witchcraft assigned to manipulate my glory and exchange my destiny, receive the arrow of death in Jesus’ name
(11) Spirit of marital wickedness that is disgracing marriage in my family, be arrested today by the blood of Jesus
(12) Household enemies that is sending weekly, monthly and yearly arrow against me and my family die in Jesus’ name
(14) Whatever evil powers household enemies are using to manipulate my life, catch fire 🔥 in Jesus’ name
(15) The Blood of Jesus overshadows my foundation in Jesus’ name
(16) Oh God arise and expose every household enemies that is pouring charms in my compound in Jesus’ name
(17) Every household holds wickedness that is using spiritual padlock to lock u my business, womb, marriage, health, finance, progress etc I open the padlock in Jesus’ name
Any evil incantation made in any evil altar against me and my family, backfire 🔥 and scatter in Jesus’ name
(19) Any evil man or woman that wants to use me to elongate his life, die in Jesus’ name
(20) Every Satanic arrow against me from household wickedness, return back to your sender in Jesus’ name
(21) Evil altar of household enemies in my family, catch fire 🔥 in Jesus
(1) On Sunday 1/10/2023 during prayers pastor told us to raise our phones up for financial favour, and in my house that day I and my children had nothing to eat, but after the prayers, I believed that same day I was favoured by someone financially, indeed God answers prayers. praise God from mummy Blessing Obidike
(2) I testified here last week on how God used our pastor to deliver me from a Satanic arrow, after that testimony they reinforced and came back and locked my throat, at a time I couldn’t talk well again, then when I came to church and told pastor, he blessed water me since then I can talk very well from daddy Glorious man Emmanuel
(3) I want to thank God for restoring my health, last week I was losing strength every day, to the extent I couldn’t do anything for myself even going to church was a big problem, on Thursday I managed to come to church and told the pastor he prayed and blessed water for me, instantly I regain my strength. praise God from sis Precious Ishikaku George