Deliverance From Evil Arrows

Text: Psalm 91 vs 5–6, Isaiah 49 vs 24, Exodus 14 vs 14, Joshua 1 vs 5, and Psalm 18 vs 32–37.
Evil Arrows are invisible arrows from spiritual world
This satanic arrow is targeted at a specific or non-specific person in order to kill, steal and destroy
It is an arrow you can not see with your naked eyes, except through divine revelation
In most cases, some evil arrow can affect others who are not specific target
However, in the realm of the spirit, it is possible for wicked arrow to attack you through a person
Many people have been attacked through various arrows of sickness, death, poverty, miscarriage and several others
Some of this arrows can come through the day or night
It doesn’t have specific time but the major time is at night
Sometimes when an arrow of affliction is fired against a person, it may manifest gradually, while others manifest immediately
Flying arrows are spiritual fired to steal, kill, and destroy a person
One of the major segments of flying arrows are: arrow of poverty, arrow of debts, arrow of limitations, arrow of frustration and confusion, the arrow of setback, arrow of emptiness, arrow of loss, arrow of anger etc
(1) Every demon in my environment holding my life in hostage, die in Jesus name
(2) At the beginning of the year arrow fired into my life, come out and return back to your sender in Jesus’ name
(3) Arrow of backwardness and setback fired against me, scatter in Jesus name
(4) Arrow of sickness fired into my body come out and return back to your sender in Jesus name
(5) Evil Arrows of sickness fired into my kidney, liver, womb, reproductive organ, and brain, I command you to come out and return back to your sender in Jesus name
(6) Arrow of death fired against me and my family this year, be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(7) Witchcraft and occult arrow against me and my family scatter by fire in Jesus name
(8) Evil Arrows fired against my business and job, scatter by fire in Jesus name
(9) Arrow of beging fired into my life, return back to your sender in Jesus name
(10) Arrow of constant disappointment fired into my life be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(11) Evil Arrows from my ex-girlfriend or boyfriend that is affecting me, be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(12) Blood-sucking demon programmed into my life to suck my blood, die in Jesus’ name
(13) Any evil man or woman that is calling my name and invoking my spirit in an evil altar, I command you to collapse and die in Jesus name
(14) Any evil man or woman assigned to frustrate me this year die in Jesus name
(15) Evil arrows that enter my life through dream, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
During one of the service last December, the pastor called me out, and one other person told us that this December we would receive financial favour. he said we may be saying that we don’t have anybody, but God will surprise us. Brethren, by almost the end of December, financial favour began to locate me the way I never expected it, Praise God, I have come to return all the glory to God Almighty for His grace, favour and blessings upon my life and family thank you Jesus from Elder Christian Ajaero
(2) On Saturday, January 14, 2024, Pastor gave a prophecy that someone will receive financial favour he never expected, he said we should lift our phones up, and then he prayed Behold, on Monday one of my cousins that has never given me money before called me and requested for my account number, behold he gave me a reasonable amount of money praise God from sis Precious Ishikaku George