Deliverance From Constant Affliction

Topic: Job 36 vs 15, Psalm 34 vs 19, Nahum 1 vs 9.

The spirit of affliction is a bad spirit

It is from the devil to paralyse people’s destiny

The spirit of affliction has become a long-term battle for many Christian believers

They keep fighting over a problem over and over again

Whenever the situation subsides, another challenge will take over

That is why many Christians are tired of praying and fasting

Some of them end up landing themselves in the hands of strangers who only take advantage of them

The more you are born again, the more the enemies will trouble you

The greater the glory, the greater the Satanic attack

When some people are closer to their breakthrough, the intensity of their affliction will increase. James 5 vs 13

Prayer is the medicine to curb the menace of affliction in our life

When the enemy wants to attack, he will introduce the spirit of affliction

So many believers are under the bondage of affliction

The affliction of the wicked can affect anyone

It can manifest in form of pain, trouble, sickness, disappointment, shame, embarrassment, distress etc

The Satanic plan behind the spirit of affliction is to rib you of your opportunities and blessings

The demon of affliction will not rest until a person under their hold is brought down and disgrace

Affliction was much on the job when he could not enjoy the blessings of God. Job 2 vs 7-10

There was another man at the pool of Bethesda who had an infirmity for 38 years. John 5 vs 1-15

Many are going through various levels of afflictions and they have tried almost everything to ensure deliverance is obtained

But it is as if the more the they pray the more the spirit of affliction

Lots of believers are currently experiencing marital and financial affliction

The mark of a true believer is to engage the devil in spiritual warfare and win . Ephesians 6 vs 10-13

The spirit of affliction can make one suffer without no help


(1) Thank God for strength during trials and temptation

(2) Thank God for His promise made concerning your affliction

(3) Thank God for His presence during the time of your affliction

(4) Thank God for His spirit has not departed from you

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