Divine Open Door

TEXT: 1st Corinthians 16 vs 9, Revelation 3 vs 7-8

Doors are very important, both physical and spiritually, wether the door is open or closed it is very important

An open door gives people a chance to come in ,but when the door is closed it restricts people’s movement and some personalities’ access to go into the house

However every house has different doors that give accessibility

In the spiritual or biblically door represent divine visitation, or gate way to promise land

In the Bible open doors signify favour, success, marital breakthrough, fruits of the womb, healing joy, promotion etc

There’s a door of promotion 1st Samuel 16 vs 11-13. David didn’t believe that in his wildest dream he would be a King

There are doors of fruitfulness. Genesis 29 vs 31, Genesis 30 vs 22

There are some doors that will not open until you keep pushing hard through prayers and fasting

There are some doors that will not open until you come in contact with your pastor or prophet

There are some doors that will not open until God stepped in into your matter

Every child of God needs the enabling power of the Holy Ghost to move forward in life

There are so many enemies standing at the gate of our breakthrough, their work is to obstruct or cause stubborn Stagnation in the life of someone

They cause sickness, premature death, failure at the edge of breakthrough etc

Many people are operating under the influence of strong man delay, people under the strong man delay are always tormented by the spirit of disappointment, failure and embarrassment


(1) Open Door produces supernatural increase and promotion

(2) Open Door produces restoration of everything that the enemies has stolen from you. Exodus 3 vs 21

(3) Open Door produces honour

(4) Open Door produces opportunities and favour

(5) Open Door produces great victory in the midst of impossibilities


(1) You need an open doors when all road are blocked both physical and spiritually

(2) You need an open doors when the enemies has written you off

(3) You need an open doors when your enemies have evil expectations concerning your life

(4) You need an open doors when your life is stagnated in one spot

(5) You need an open doors when you are experiencing a closed heaven

(6) You need an open doors when you are abandoned by friends and relatives

(7) You need an open doors when you have an interview to attend

(8) You need an open doors when your trusted friends turn against you