Deliverance From Failure At The Edge Of Breakthrough

Text: Luke 5 vs 5-7
The spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough is a destructive spirit
The spirit can affect the life of someone and put a stumbling block on its victims
To rise up and receive God’s blessings Wil be very difficult
The enemy designed it in a way that the person involved can not progress or make any meaningful impacts in life
This spirit can also be called almost there and never be there, it can waste your time for years without achieving anything
This spirit can render people nothing in life, this power can rubbish your dream in life and make you look foolish before men and women
This spirit can can also lock you up in a location where you are not supposed to be
Most times when a blessing is coming strong forces will come and attack the blessing at the edge of a breakthrough
What makes this spirit desperately wicked is the ability to cut someone off at the edge of a breakthrough
Some people are doctors, professors, engineers, graduates etc but they don’t have anything to show for their existence.
(1) It is a demon assigned at the edge of a breakthrough
(2) It is a Satanic power that weakens your spirit from rising up
(3) It is a spirit/demon that causes you to give up when your blessings have been announced in heaven
(4) It is a vowing demon that ensures that you can’t achieve greatness in life
(5) It is household wickedness
(1) Joblessness
(2) Your divine gift suddenly slips away from your hand
(3) Backwardness
(4) Serving your younger ones
(5) Financial embarrassment
(6) Sickness at the edge of a breakthrough
(7) problem to provide for your family
(8) Lack of focus
(9) Lack of helpers
(10) Rising and falling
(11) Limitations
(12) Working so hard without a reward
(13) Blaming others often for your failure
(14) Procrastination and doubt
(15) Always missing opportunities
(16) Gradual progress but several backwards
(1) Bad foundation
(2) Your sins and that of your ancestors
(3) Curses and evil covenant
(4) Visiting of native doctors
(1) Every curse of failure at the edge of my breakthrough, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(2) Every constant disappointment at the edge of my breakthrough be cancelled by the blood of Jesus
(3) Every Goliath in my father’s house waiting for me at the edge of my breakthrough die in Jesus’ name
(4) Every cobweb attacking me at the edge of my breakthrough be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(5) Every stubborn attack at the edge of my breakthrough be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(6) Every hidden barrier around me be exposed and catch fire 🔥 in Jesus name
(7) Oh God arise and distract my enemies with problems that are bigger than them in Jesus name
(8) Every strange battle at the edge of my breakthrough be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(9) Oh God arise let your thunder and fire 🔥 locate the demons attacking me at the edge of my breakthrough in Jesus’ name
Anointing for double speed fall upon me in Jesus name
(11) Every Satanic cage from my family scatter in Jesus name
(12) Every Satanic power squeezing my glory die in Jesus name
(13) House hold Goliath that has vowed that I will never move forward in life die in Jesus name
(13) Every ancestral power that is blocking my progress, marriage, business, finance, jobs, children and family be rolled away in Jesus name
(14) Let the power of God knock down every strong man or woman attacking me from my village in Jesus name
(15) Every seasonal problem in my life that has refused to let me go, expire today in Jesus name
(16) Spirit Of ancestral delay in my family, loose your hold over me now in Jesus name
(17) Bad spirit that is inspiring me not to move forward die in Jesus name
(18) Every wicked power that is always collecting my blessings before it gets to my hand die in Jesus name
(19) Temptation at the edge of my breakthrough be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(20) Powers that want me to use my hand and scatter my blessings die in Jesus name
(21) Wasters of glories assigned to waste my destiny,be frustrated in Jesus name
(22) Serious confusion at the edge of my breakthrough be canceled by the blood of Jesus
(23) Every evil bird flying around to stop me from receiving God’s blessings die in Jesus name
(24) Spirit Of Procrastination that is eating up my blessings die in Jesus name
(25) Sickness at the edge of my breakthrough be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(26) Oh God arise and give me a big miracle that will cause me to celebrate this year in Jesus name
(27) My father my father show me the secret of my next level in Jesus name
(28) Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers in Jesus name