Destroying The Spirit Of Untimely Death In Our Families

Topic: Isaiah 38 vs 1-7, Romans 8 vs 11, Hosea 13 vs 14, Isaiah 41 vs 10, Luke 20 vs 36
The blood of Jesus is one of the potent weapons to fight against the spirit of death. Revelation 12 vs 11
There is high rate of physical and spiritual attack of untimely death
Many grave yard and cemetery have accommodated the body of great men and woman
The demon of death are after the destiny of children of God. John 10 vs 10
When death takes away life, it register it with sorrow and weeping
The devil has continued to put sorrow in so many families today
Though death is inevitable, but it should not be untimely
Evil arrow can be shot against a person in the dream and it will result to untimely death
Others may start experiencing early sign of such as stubborn sickness, stagnation, and serious challenges
If untimely death is an evil pattern in your family, then you must fight to separate yourself from the spirit of untimely death
There is nothing as devastating than death itself
When someone is dead, he or she can longer operate here on earth
However there are some people living but spiritually they are dead
The Lord has declared today that we are are not going to die
But anything can also lead to someone’s death
That’s why as a Christian we must make sure we fight against the spirit of untimely death
You must fight this battle with the totality of your strength and refuse to be a candidate of untimely death
(1) Every evil pattern of untimely death in my family, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(2) Blood of Jesus separate me and my family from arrow of death in Jesus name
(3) I break and destroy every curse of untimely death in my family in Jesus name
(4) The death that swallowed my father will not locate us untimely again in Jesus name
(5) Every messenger of death operating in my family line, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(6) I use the blood of Jesus to wash my foundation from the spirit of untimely death in Jesus name
(7) Any evil power sponsoring death in my family, be consumed by the 🔥 of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name
(8) Every evil tree of death planted in my family, catch fire 🔥 in Jesus name
(9) Every evil power that is turning into bird, bat, rat, vulture and cat to harm us , be expose and die in Jesus name
(10) Any occult man or woman in my family planning to kill me or anybody in my family, die in Jesus name
(11) I reject every spirit of sickness unto death in Jesus name
(12) Every spirit of death at the edge of breakthrough in my family, be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(13) Angels of war, go into my family and terminate the presence of darkness in Jesus name
(14) I terminate every follow follow demons of death in Jesus name
(15) I reject the news of car accident in my life and family this ember month in Jesus name
(16) I will not bury my children and grandchildren untimely in Jesus name
(17) Every yoke of untimely death presence in my family,be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(18) Every consequences of any dream of death attach to my life , be cancelled by the blood of Jesus
(19) Every wicked power of untimely death hovering over my life and family, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus
(20) Arrow of death sent against me and my family, return back to your sender in Jesus name
(21) Every power that is projecting dream of casket into my dream, back fire 🔥 in Jesus name
(22) My spirit man, refused to enter into a casket in Jesus name
(23) Every wicked power that is dragging me into a casket, catch fire 🔥 in Jesus name
(24) Every of my secret enemies, planning evil against me, be expose and die in Jesus’ name
(25) I destroy every feeling of death in my life and family in Jesus’ name
(26) I will not bury my love ones and my love ones will not bury me Untimely in Jesus’ name
(27) Every coffin spirit in my family, catch fire 🔥 in Jesus name
(28) By the power in the name of Jesus, I remove casket spirit from my back and front in Jesus name
(29) Oh God arise and deliver me and my family from death in Jesus name
(30) Every logo, mark, or identity of death upon my life, be nullified by the blood of Jesus
(31) Cemetery demons that is seeing me as their friend, I reject them in Jesus name
(32) Any evil pronouncement against me and my family, be nullified by the blood of Jesus